This was an exciting week because after waiting and waiting, my 100 neopixels have arrived! 
I am using them to create a light matrix. While I did think about just buying an already built flexible, neopixel matrix, I realized not only would it be more economical ($20 vs. $100) but also, I could learn more by creating it myself. Let the soldering begin!

I was given assistance by man of the “Shop Boys” with one even lending me a handing neopixel holder. Since this was my first time soldering, it went a lot slower than I expected. I also started by using a thin wire, thinking it would be easier to sew. However, it kept breaking off. So I decided that I just needed to get a testing of some neopixel to see if they worked and did what I wanted. This meant just some basic wire.
Voilà! The neopixels actually work. Well at least one works but I am still pretty proud of myself. I created three more of these so that I could try to make a matrix but had to stop due to my mom being in town. I was also given a copper breadboard last minute and am now thinking that it would be a better idea to just create a more stiff matrix using this board and getting the right images I want so I don’t sew it and then have to undo it if it’s wrong.
Also, this past week has been a great time to discuss my project with people not in the class. I explained how I wanted to make a dress or a sweater that will have different sensors to express different emotions like when you cross your arms, it will say X and having hands on your hips will be a lightening bolt. I discussed how I could either make them into images or I could make a scroll bars that would have words scrolling. I think for me, I want something that wasn’t completely direct and like the “fun” in images or emojis. This is why I will create a matrix that will have the Xs, lightening bolts, lips, but I may also add in a “Brr.” I am finding through my discussions that I want this to be seen as fun but also to bring to light what body language is. My hope is that I can add in enough sensors that the user can even explore their own body language and be surprised by it as well as their counterpart. I am still undecided on if it should be a dress. I plan to make a dress but I just don’t know if that form fits the idea. I am hoping to determine this in the next few days as well as making a bigger matrix.